Marietta and Atlanta Georgia Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Every day, thousands of people throughout Georgia place their safety and welfare in the hands of medical professionals. Most healthcare professionals take that trust seriously and do everything in their power to protect the health of their patients.
A small number of doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals, however, cause significant injury because of their negligence. At the Marietta Personal Injury Law Firm Randall F. Rogers, PC, we hold negligent healthcare professionals responsible for the injuries they cause. We handle all medical malpractice claims, including claims for:
- Medical, dental, chiropractic and orthodontic negligence
- Surgery errors
- Misdiagnosis and treatment errors
- Birth injuries / OB-GYN negligence
- Pharmacy negligence
- Nurse malpractice
Georgia has specific requirements for medical malpractice lawsuits. For example, a suit must be accompanied by an affidavit from a similarly credentialed healthcare professional which sets out a good account of how the defendant acted below the general standard of medical care and how the medical negligence caused the harm.
To speak with a medical malpractice attorney at our firm, contact our law office in Marietta, Georgia. We offer a free consultation and charge no fees unless we recover for you.
Speak to an Experienced Marietta Medical Malpractice Attorney
Doctors and hospitals are not going to simply admit their errors. If you or a family member has been injured, you will need an attorney who can take depositions, obtain access to critical documents and cross-examine witnesses effectively. The attorneys at Randall F. Rogers have successfully tried medical malpractice cases resulting in Million Dollar verdicts in Marietta, Atlanta and throughout the State of Georgia. Please take a look at our results page.