Golf Carts Need To Be Taken Seriously
I remember when I was little, I would beg my Dad to let me drive the golf cart. It was the only chance I could drive some sort of motorized vehicle without endangering everyone on the roads. Golf carts look fun and harmless, and when driven responsibly they usually are safe. However, when golf carts are put in the control of an inexperienced driver, or someone taking unnecessary risks, they can be extremely dangerous with the potential to cause serious injury and even death.
About four months ago, in Georgia, there were reports of two golf cart related accidents. One accident in Evans, Georgia, involved five teenagers flipping a golf cart after the driver lost control trying to negotiate a steep hill. The teenagers were lucky, with none of them sustaining any life threatening injuries. Although, there were several broken bones and terrified parents. The other accident in Hall County, proved to be much more serious, leading to the tragic death of a Cornelia Municipal Court judge. The accident involving the Judge was not on a traditional golf cart, but instead involved the sudden acceleration of a Polaris all terrain vehicle (essentially an off road golf cart). In both accidents, the main cause of the injuries was the vehicle flipping over. The Cornelia Judge died because he got pinned under the vehicle.
These two incidents underscore the danger involved with golf carts. While golf carts look fun, and it might be tempting to let an unlicensed driver take the wheel, golf carts can lead to horrible injuries. The danger with golf carts is that they are usually being driven on hilly uneven surfaces, which makes them easy to flip. Parents need to make sure their children know how to properly drive a golf cart before allowing them to get behind the wheel. If the child is not a licensed driver, then parents simply should not allow their child to drive.
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Tagged with: death, flipping over, golf cart, personal injury
Posted in: Automobile Wrecks