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Tennis Pro Settles Slip and Fall Lawsuit

Do I have a slip and fall case?

Recently, pro tennis player Eugenie Bouchard settled her slip and fall case against the United States Tennis Association.  The case stemmed from a fall in 2015.  Bouchard had stepped into the training room when she fell on the slick floor, hitting her back and head.  The accident left her unable to compete in the U.S. Open.  A jury deemed the USTA 75 percent at fault for the accident due to cleaning fluid left on the floor, while Bouchard was considered partly at fault for entering the room in the dark.  Now, Bouchard will receive an undisclosed sum to compensate her for her losses stemming from the accident.

Requirements of a Valid Slip and Fall Case in Georgia

Bouchard’s case illustrates the potential seriousness of a slip and fall case.  In Georgia, thousands of people will fall every year and sustain injuries.  Slip and fall injuries range in severity from minor bumps and bruises to life changing injuries like brain trauma, spinal cord damage, and more.  Not all slip and falls will result in liability.  Slip and fall laws in Georgia can make winning your case a complicated matter.

Falls on Someone Else’s Property

To have a viable action, you will generally need to have fallen on property owned by someone else. Most often, slip and falls that lead to litigation occur in commercial parking lots, shopping malls, local shops, restaurants, grocery stores, gymnasiums, and the like.  Accidents that happen on property owned by the state could potentially also lead to litigation, though these cases raise unique issues of immunity.


To be actionable, you will need to prove that the property owner’s negligence caused your slip and fall.  Property owners are legally required to maintain their property in reasonably safe condition for guests.  Negligence could stem from a property owner creating an unsafe condition or failing to correct an unsafe condition that they knew of or should have known.  Evidence of negligence could potentially include proof that a fall had already occurred due to the same condition.

In addition to proving negligence, you will need to establish the elements of causation and damages.   Your injuries need to stem from the property owner’s negligence and you need to have suffered losses due to the accident. Loss could include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.  Contact a slip and fall accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident to find out more about your legal rights

Posted in: Slip & Fall