Recent Case May Lead To An Awkward Thanksgiving
A Bartow County jury recently awarded $127,500.00 to a man badly burned when he was trying to get an old lawnmower started with his father-in-law. The plaintiff sued his father-in-law for his injuries. Obviously, a lawsuit against your father-in-law will not help family dynamics, but it gets worse. Apparently when the fire started on the lawn mower, it also caught the plaintiff on fire. When this happened, the father-in-law grabbed a nearby hose to put out the flames. Faced with the decision of putting out the fire on the lawnmower first or the fire on his son-in-law, the father-in-law chose the old lawnmower. Obviously this choice did not sit well.
After hearing about this case, your in laws may not seem that bad.
Tagged with: Bartow County, burn, fire, lawn mower, personal injury
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